Time to get you back in the game
Dr. Wissam Maraachli from Dearborn, Michigan is a graduate from Palmer College of Chiropractic (2019) - Florida campus. Before graduating from Palmer, he received his Bachelor's Degree in Exercise Science with a focus on sports injuries from Eastern Michigan University in 2016.
Realign the spine providing relief to neck pain, back pain, extremities, and improving range of motion.
Focusing on different techniques such as various stretching methods, graston/muscle scraping, KT taping, muscle stimulation, and cupping therapy.
Each specific injury requires proper corrective exercises to help rehab properly.
We specialize in different treatments for our athletes and offer services for muscle recovery such as Normatec Compression.
Nutrition is a key component to health and wellness care. We are a terrific guide to helping you meet your goals.
Athletes from all sports utilize different training techniques. Strength training is a key component for all athletes and a necessary tool to make you better and stronger for your sport.
Take advantage of a free consultation with Bounce Back Elite Chiropractic so we can get you on the right path to a healthy, pain free lifestyle. We want to help you reach your goals and discover what your body needs.
7075 Kingspointe Pkwy STE 16, Orlando, FL 32819
8-12 & 2-6 Monday Through Friday | Sat by appt only